MY BUCKET LIST or 51 Things To Do Before I Die

This is the bucket list that I’ve been meaning to create for years and years. I am happy I finally got made one and yet at the same time it made me realize just how much I have taught myself to settle into “being a loser” and “never amounting to anything”. When I was younger and in my senior year of high school I had one of these in my head. It is when I really started to take stock of my life and what I wanted to do with it. I am happy to say that I have been able to accomplish some items before making this official list. They happen to mostly be the most important to me, such as getting married, having children, to have at least one girl (I have actually been blessed with two), and buying my own home. I wish at this point in my life this list would have so much more crossed off of it but between substance abuse and depression, my priorities have very much stifled my yearning to want to and the belief that I could actually do any of this. I am 34 now, how many of these can I accomplish before I am 40?
1. To go to Disney Land/World
2. Take my family fishing in Alaska for salmon
3. To have a “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” weekend in Vegas
4. To read the in entire library of Scriptures (including the apocryphal writings)
5. To serve as a Bishop
6. Go to Jerusalem and visit the holy sites.
7. Complete the Camino De Santiago (The Way of St. James)
8. Complete the Shikoku in Japan
9. Heck, visit Japan as a whole
10. Try Fugu sushi (poisonous blow fish)
11. Conquer my depression
12. Get a helicopter license
13. Fly an F-16 (or just be a passenger)
14. Conquer my Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
15. Meet and have a conversation with Dieter F. Uchtdorf
16. Teach either Seminary or Institute
17. Visit Great Britain
18. Be in the audience of a taping of Red Dwarf
19. Visit Ireland
20. Visit Venice Italy
21. Pay my debts off
22. Graduate College
23. Watch my kids get married in the Temple
24. Get into better health
25. Visit Masada
26. Learn Hebrew
27. Be the best father I can possibly be for my children
28. Buy an old church and renovate it into a community center for kids/families
29. Build a survival bunker (even if the world never ends, it would be my special little place)
30. Learn the art of Bushido
31. Meet Mick Foley
32. Learn to swim
33. Learn how to be a professional wrestler and be in at least one match
34. Write a book and get it published
35. Write a children’s book and also get it published
36. Baptize my children
37. Go a whole year without fast food or eating out in general
38. Bench press 200 lbs.
39. Own a comic book store
40. Travel cross country, visiting all 50 states handing out a variety of free scriptures
41. Teach my children how to ride a bike, make each child’s experience a memorable moment they will cherish (just like when my dad taught me how to ride a bike)
42. Cultivate the gift of the Holy Ghost better
43. Obtain better discernment in my life
44. Organize all aspects of my life better
45. Gain better self-discipline
46. Be more Christ like
47. Practice yoga regularly
48. Practice meditation, prayer, and pondering more
49. Love more and experience life instead of just living it
50. Become a grandmaster in chess
51. Complete at least half the items on this list
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